Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Academic Writing Essentials Essay Example

Academic Writing Essentials Essay Example Academic Writing Essentials Essay Academic Writing Essentials Essay Essay Topic: Academic The definition of academic writing is â€Å"writing an essay, thesis, report, journal article or another document for purposes of educating the reader or achieving some scholarly aim for the writer† ( For instance, this essay would be considered academic writing based on the condition of achieving a scholarly aim for myself the â€Å"writer.† I have identified three elements that I believe are vital to good academic writing. These elements are academic vocabulary, using evidence to support your argument, and citing source material. Throughout this essay, I will speak about the importance of these elements. Also, I will briefly discuss a challenge that was discovered as I did research for this essay. A problem that many students face when presented with the task of writing in an academic format. Academic vocabulary refers to words that are traditionally used in academic dialogue and text. These types of words are used to explain a concept; they are not necessarily common or frequently encountered in informal conversations ( Academic vocabulary is essential when writing about a specific subject for informative purposes. â€Å"The link between vocabulary and comprehension is well established† (Townsend, D., Kiernan, D. (2015) (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000; Stahl Fairbanks, 1986). There are general academic words and discipline-specific academic words. â€Å"College-level and professional writing requires clarity both in grammar and word choice so that the reader can easily understand complex ideas† (Moxley, J. (2010). The next element is using evidence to support your argument. This is essential because academic writing is for an educational purpose. The reader needs facts, not just the writer’s opinion. As the writer is presenting the argument, the reader needs evidence to see how the writer arrived at that particular conclusion. This evidence can come in many fo

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Nothing Gets Me High Like Writing

Nothing Gets Me High Like Writing Nothing gets me high and offers relief from the suffering like blackening pages, writing.  ~Leonard Cohen This is the part of our profession that we quickly forget. The sea of authors is just that. . . an undulating sea. They rise up with glee about the release of a book. . . then slide down and bottom out when the sales arent as expected. Highs and lows, but mostly about publishing. Most of them blame someone else for their writer problems. Of late Ive seen them blame: 1) Amazon algorithms 2) Amazon promoting its own imprints before other publishers 3) Amazon allowing used book sellers to appear before new books 4) Publishers being greedy 5) Self-published authors gobbling up market share 6) Or vice versa, traditional authors gobbling up market share 7) The glut of cheap sales free, 99 cents, etc. 8) A bad editor 9) Indie bookstores not wanting indie authors And in all that blame, the writer forgets why they started writing in the first place. . . for the high of sculpting words. For the joy of designing that perfect sentence. The business side of writing is in flux, and that flux changes faster and faster. Technology and creative ideas fly like bullets as writers attempt to take advantage and break loose of the fray and be seen. . . and make sales. Fight to be different than all the other people out there writing books. If we dont constantly market, we backslide. And if we constantly market, we write less. And write less quality. Most businesses will tell you to return to the basics when things are not going well. For writers, thats writing well, writing for self, and reaching for that writing high. Sink into writing. Then when its written, come up for air and publish, because if you think about publishing before you finish the book, youll be outdated in your thinking

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How can power be used ethically in organizations Essay

How can power be used ethically in organizations - Essay Example It is in the hands of the leaders to use power ethically because they are also organization’s ethic officers and use it for the best interests of the organization (Johnson 2009). In the present paper it is explained ‘how power can be used ethically in organizations’ to derive benefits from legitimate use of power by presenting theoretically concepts and arguments related to the same. Theoretical Concept of Power & Ethics To know how to use power ethically in an organization first power, organizational politics and ethics concept should be understood clearly. â€Å"Power refers to a capacity that A has to influence the behaviour of B so B acts in accordance with A’s wishes† (Bass 1990, p.170). Power is used as a means by leaders to achieve their goals. However power is different from leadership as power requires only dependence and not goal compatibility as in the case of leadership that requires compatibility of goals between the leader and their fol lowers and also power can be exercised both by a group and individual to influence an individual or a group (Robbins et al 2011). ... ns and the moral code† and â€Å"Ethics is concerned with the study of morality and the application of reason to elucidate specific rules and principles that determine right and wrong for a given situation† (Crane and Mitten 2007) based on the cultural and legal standards. In this perspective Leaders should be conscious of the morality of their actions at all times and a leader to be successful must not only take right actions but through right means and with right intentions according to Ciulla (2005). Therefore ethical behaviour refers to conforming to moral principles as well as to cultural and legal standards. It is very common for employees to indulge in organizational politics to exert more influence, for career advancement and for gaining credit and rewards. Organization politics refers to â€Å"use of power to affect decision making in an organization or on self-serving and organizationally unsanctioned behaviours† (Robbins et al 2011, p. 415). It is used in all organizations in some form or the other everyday and by everyone. However not all organizational politics is illegitimate or unethical there is also a legitimate and ethical dimension to it (Robbins et al 2011). Leader’s bear more responsibility to exercise power ethically in an organization compared to others and can create ethical organizations through their responsible behaviour. People emulate their leader’s behaviour, attitudes and values because they consider them to be attractive, credible and legitimate as they exert power through their position of authority they occupy (Johnson 2009). Therefore power to be used ethically in an organization the focus should be on the leader’s behaviour. But what constitutes ethical use of power and how to differentiate it from unethical use is complex and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

ENV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ENV - Essay Example Environmental pollution results to undesirable changes and conditions for all the organisms in the ecosystem and this comes with effects that are more adverse to life systems in general.  The environment is also divided into components which  are affected by pollution  and they  include the air, soil and water;  this  gives rise to the various types of pollution namely air, soil and water pollution. Pollutants are introduced in the environment as byproducts of human activities such as industrialization, deforestation and farming- these activities release harmful residues into the environment thus causing pollution. For instance, farmers apply pesticides for purposes of boosting Agricultural outputs on their farms, but this often leads to pollution as the pesticides always find their way into the air, water and soil resulting to contamination. In this regard, pesticides contribute to air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution  thereby destabilizing the natural equ ilibrium in the ecosystem. In the course of applying pesticides to crops, they may drift through wind into other unintended areas, contaminating the air, and this affects life systems, which may encounter the residues of pesticides. Organisms for instance may ingest the pesticide residues that land on food or by breathing the particles suspended in air. Pesticides find their way into water systems by a number of ways such as leaching through the soil; they may be carried through runoff water or eroding soil (Pimentel 818), and they may accidentally spill into waterways.  Pesticides that leach into ground water sources lead to contamination- organisms that use such contaminated water  are at a risk of ingesting the pesticide residues in it, and this causes health problems (Singh 96). Concerning soil pollution, continuous excessive use of pesticides may lead to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

American Indians Essay Example for Free

American Indians Essay The people now known as Indians or Native Americans were the first people to live in the Americas. They had been living there for thousands of years before any Europeans arrived. The Vikings explored the east coast of North America around A. D. 1000 and had some contact with Indians (Watson Howell 1980). But lasting contact between Indians and Europeans began with Christopher Columbuss voyages to the Americas. In 1492, Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. He was seeking a short sea route to the Indies, which then included India, China, the East Indies, and Japan. Europeans did not then know that North and South America existed. When Columbus landed in what is now known as the West Indies, he did not realize he had come to a New World. He thought he had reached the Indies, and so he called the people he met Indians. Almost every Indian group had its own name. Many of these names reflected the pride of each group in itself and its way of life. For example, the Delaware Indians of eastern North America called themselves Lenape, which means genuine people. Today, many Indians refer to themselves as Native Americans. The first Indians came to the New World from Siberia, in Asia. Most scientists think they arrived at least 15,000 years ago. At that time huge ice sheets covered much of the northern half of the earth. The Bering Strait, which today is a narrow area of water that separates Asia and North America, was easily walked across by the Indians who were following the animals that they were hunting. Much later this ice sheet melted and the land bridge became covered with water. By then, Indian groups had already spread throughout the New World, all over North and South America. These Indian groups developed different cultures because of the different climates and landforms in the regions in which they settled. Body Anthropologists, scientists who study human culture, classify the hundreds of North and South American Indian tribes into groups of tribes that are alike. These groups are called culture areas. Some of the cultures of North America are the Arctic; the Northeast, or Eastern Woodlands; the Plains; and Southwest. The Indians spoke hundreds of different languages and had many different ways of life. Some groups lived in great cities and others in small villages. The Aztec and the Maya of Central America built large cities. Some of the Aztec cities had as many as 100,000 people. The Maya built special buildings in which they studied the moon, the stars, and the sun. They also developed a calendar and a system of writing. Many of the Indians of Eastern North America lived in villages. They hunted and farmed, growing such crops as beans, corns and squash (Bains, 1985). Most of the Indians were friendly at first and taught the newcomers many things. The European explorers followed Indian trails to sources of water and deposits of copper, gold, silver, turquoise, and other minerals. The Indians taught them to make snowshoes and sleds and to travel by canoe. Food was another of the Indians important gifts. The Indians grew many foods that the newcomers had never heard of, such as avocados, corn, peanuts, peppers, pineapples, potatoes, squash, and tomatoes. They also introduced the whites to tobacco. The Indians, in turn, learned much from the whites. The Europeans brought many goods that were new to the Indians. These goods included metal tools, guns, and liquor. The Europeans also brought cattle and horses, which were unknown to the Indians. The Europeans and the Indians had widely different ways of life. Some Europeans tried to understand the Indians ways and treated them fairly. But others cheated the Indians and took their land. When the Indians fought back, thousands of them were killed in battle. At first, they had only bows and arrows and spears, but the Europeans had guns. Even more Indians died from measles, smallpox, and other new diseases introduced by the whites. As the Europeans moved westward across North America, they became a greater threat to the Indian way of life. Finally, most of the remaining Indians were moved onto reservations. Most daily activities of an Indian family centered on providing the main necessities of life such as food, clothing, and shelter. Men and women usually had separate tasks. For example, both men and women were often involved in providing food. But they did so in different ways. In some areas, the women gathered wild plants for food, and the men hunted. In the Northeast and Southeast culture areas, the men hunted, and the women farmed the land. In parts of what are now Arizona and New Mexico and in Middle and South America, the men did the farming. The women gathered plants. In all areas, women were generally responsible for preparing the food. Many Indians married at an early age, the girls between 13 and 15 and the boys between 15 and 20. In some Indian tribes, the parents or other relatives chose the marriage partners for the young people. In other tribes, especially those of North America, a young man could select his own mate. He had to convince the girl and her parents that he would make a suitable husband. In many cases, he offered them valuable gifts to win their approval. Throughout most of the New World, marriage was a family affair and not a religious ceremony. The boys family usually gave presents to the brides family. Many newly married couples lived with the girls family and the husband worked for her family until the birth of a child. Then the couple might establish their own home. But they generally did not move to a new home in a new area. Many other newly married couples joined an existing family group or lived close to one. Some of the couples moved in with other relatives of the woman or with the relatives of the man. This extended family shared with the daily work of the household, including the raising of children. Many Indian groups allowed men to have more than one wife. But this practice was common only among rich or powerful men. After a man died, his wife would often live with his brother as husband and wife even if the brother was already married. Similarly, if a woman died, her family would probably be expected to give her husband another unmarried daughter to replace her. Most Indian families were small because many children died at birth or as babies. Indian children were praised when they behaved well and shamed when they misbehaved. Only the Aztec and Inca tribes had regular schools. Boys and girls of other tribes learned to perform mens and womens jobs by helping their parents and older brothers and sisters. After most boys reached their early teens, they went through a test of strength or bravery called an initiation ceremony. Many went without food for a long period or lived alone in the wilderness. In some tribes, a boy was expected to have a vision of the spirit that would become his lifelong guardian. Some groups also had initiation ceremonies for girls. A teenager who successfully completed an initiation ceremony was considered an adult and ready to be married. Food that Indians ate depended on where they lived. Indian tribes that lived on the plains of the United States, where buffalo and other game were plentiful, ate mainly meat. Meat was also the principal food of those Indians who inhabited the woodlands and tundra (frigid treeless plain) of Alaska and Canada. The Pueblo of the Southwest and other farming groups lived chiefly on beans, corn, and squash. Potatoes were an important crop among the Inca. MacNeish (1992) stated that Indians in the tropical areas of South America made bread from the roots of bitter cassava, a small shrub. Tribes that lived near water caught fish and gathered shellfish. Most Indian groups ate berries, nuts, roots, seeds, and wild plants. They also gathered salt and collected maple sap wherever they could. Indians made a kind of tea from such plants as sassafras and wintergreen. Many Indians drank a mild beer that was known as chicha. They made this beer from corn, cassava, peanuts, or potatoes. Indians who ate mostly meat cooked it by roasting, broiling, or boiling. Farming Indians and others who ate chiefly vegetables developed various methods of boiling or baking. They often made pit ovens by lining holes in the ground with hot stones. Indians preserved meat by smoking it or by drying it in the sun. North American Indians mixed dried meat with grease and berries to make a food called pemmican. Most Indians ate with their fingers, but some used spoons made from animal bones, shells, or wood. Indians built many kinds of homes because they lived in different climates and had different building materials available to them (Brandt Guzzi, 1985). Those who moved about a great deal had simple shelters they could carry easily, or they built temporary shelters. Indians who stayed in one place built larger, more permanent homes. Some groups built large houses where many families lived together. Others had simple dwellings that housed only a few people. In some cases, shelter changed with the season. Some Indians in Canada built snow houses during the winter. But in the summer, they lived in tents made of animal hides. In the United States, these Indians are sometimes called Eskimos. In other areas, the Indians covered their tepees with animal skins or with tree bark. Indians at the southern tip of South America also used skins to cover shelters called windbreaks, which were open on one side. Some tribes of the Northwest made cloth of bark and reeds, and the Pueblo wove cotton cloth. The Aztec, Inca, Maya, and some Caribbean tribes wove beautiful cotton and woolen cloth. Indians in the hot South American areas often wore no clothing at all. In many tribes, a man wore only a breechcloth, a narrow band of cloth that passed between the legs and looped over the front and rear of a belt. Women wore simple aprons or skirts. Indians in colder climates wore leggings, shirts, and robes. Some wore sandals or moccasins to protect their feet. Travel by water was the most common means of transportation. Many Indians used bark canoes, which were light and easy to carry. Some large dugout canoes carried as many as 60 people. The Plains tribes used dogs and, later, horses to pull a load-carrying frame called a travois. Andean Indians used alpacas and llamas as beasts of burden. But these animals could not carry heavy loads, so the people themselves carried most of their goods. People often supported a heavy load on their back with a pack strap called a tumpline. Indians of the Arctic and the Northwest Coast and some other areas hunted or fished for most of their food. They also hunted some birds only for the feathers, and they prized the fur of beavers and certain other animals. Indians in the West got most of their food by gathering wild seeds, nuts, and roots. Even in the Southwest and other farming areas, hunting, gathering, and fishing were important. The most important game animals of North and South America included deer; rabbits and other small game: ducks, geese, herons, seals, sea lions, whales, turtles, and snakes. Bear, buffalo, caribou, elk, and moose lived only in North America. Animals that were hunted mainly in South America included the guanaco, jaguar, peccary, rhea, and tapir. Indians hunted with the same kinds of weapons they used in war. Many bows and arrows, spears, and clubs had special features for hunting. For example, some Indians used unsharpened arrows to shoot birds in trees. These arrows stunned the birds so that they fell to the ground. The Hopi stunned small game with a kind of boomerang. The Indians caught fish with harpoons, hooks and lines, spears, and traps and nets. Tribes of the Northwest Coast also used long poles called herring rakes. These poles had jagged points and could catch a number of herring at one time. In tropical South America, Indians stood on river sand bars and shot fish with bows and arrows. Both North and South American Indians used drugs to catch fish. In one method, Indians chopped up certain plants and threw them in the water. These plants stunned the fish. Then the Indians could easily scoop them out of the water. Indians of the Northeast and the Tropical Forest used slash-and-burn farming methods. They cut down a number of trees and burned them. Then they planted their crops among the trunks. The ashes from the burned trees served as fertilizer. Indians in Mexico and the Southern United States raised turkeys. Wars occurred from time to time among the tribes of the Americas. But not all tribes took part in warfare. Many tribes opposed fighting, and others were so small that they did not have enough warriors to fight a war. Many of the Indian leaders who tried to defend their tribes and land against the white people became famous warriors. They included King Philip, a Wampanoag; Pontiac, an Ottawa; Tecumseh, a Shawnee; Osceola, a Seminole; Crazy Horse, of the Sioux; and Geronimo, an Apache. The bow and arrow was probably the most common Indian weapon throughout North and South America. Some South American tribes put poison on their arrowheads. Many Indians fought with spears and war clubs (Steele Galdone 1992). The Indians of eastern North America developed a special type of club known as the tomahawk. A weapon of the Aztec consisted of pieces of obsidian (volcanic glass) stuck into a wooden club. South American Indians used blowguns and slings. Warfare gave Indians a chance to achieve high rank in their tribes. On the Plains, it was considered braver to touch a live enemy and get away than to kill the enemy. This act was known as counting coup â€Å"koo†. Warriors on the Plains carried a coup stick into battle and attempted to touch an enemy with it. Those warriors who counted coup wore eagle feathers as signs of their courage.

Friday, November 15, 2019

democracy :: essays research papers

"I'm with the Bush-Cheney team, and I'm here to stop the count." Those were the words John Bolton yelled as he burst into a Tallahassee library on Saturday, Dec. 9, 2000, where local election workers were recounting ballots cast in Florida's disputed presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore. Bolton was one of the pack of lawyers for the Republican presidential ticket who repeatedly sought to shut down recounts of the ballots from Florida counties before those counts revealed that Gore had actually won the state's electoral votes and the presidency. The Dec. 9 intervention was Bolton's last and most significant blow against the democratic process. The Florida Supreme Court had ordered a broad recount of ballots in order to finally resolve the question of who won the state. But Bolton and the Bush-Cheney team got their Republican allies on the U.S. Supreme Court to block the review. Fearing that each minute of additional counting would reveal the reality of voter sentiments in Florida, Bolton personally rushed into the library to stop the count. Bolton was in South Korea when it became clear that the Nov. 7, 2000, election would be decided in Florida. At the behest of former Secretary of State James Baker, who fronted the Bush-Cheney team during the Florida fight, Bolton winged his way to Palm Beach, where he took the lead in challenging ballots during that county's recount. Then, when the ballots from around the state were transported to Tallahassee for the recount ordered by the state Supreme Court, Bolton followed them. It was there that he personally shut down the review of ballots from Miami-Dade County, a populous and particularly contested county where independent reviews would later reveal that hundreds of ballots that could reasonably have been counted for Gore were instead discarded. Miami-Dade County Elections Supervisor David Leahy argued at the time that 2,257 voters had apparently attempted to mark ballot cards for Gore or Bush but had not had them recorded because they had been improperly inserted into the voting machines. A hand count of those ballots revealed that 302 more of them would have gone for Gore than Bush. That shift in the numbers from just one of Florida's 67 counties would have erased more than half of Bush's 537-vote lead in the state. But attempts to conduct a hand count were repeatedly blocked by the Bush-Cheney team, culminating with Bolton's Dec. 9 announcement, "I'm here to stop the count.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Google: Entry to China Essay

Google is widely known as a technology company that created a search engine site proven to be a helpful tool for most people because it helps you find the most relevant answer from the all the websites. This led to their success in the US market and worldwide. However, Google faced numerous criticisms on their business strategy to enter China, a market widely known for its government’s restrictions on content on the Internet, often referred to as the â€Å"Great Firewall of China† (As cited in Hoegberg, 2013, para. 2). With potential of long-term financial gain of doing business in China, should Google continue to do business with a market that is in conflict with its business motto? Google Background When founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin collaborated on creating a search engine site in 1996, their mission is to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web (â€Å"Our History in Depth†,n.d., para. 4 & 5). The company later on received recognition from PC Magazine as the search engine of choice (â€Å"Our History in Depth†,n.d., para. 9). Then in 2004, Google, Inc. offered an IPO at $85 and closed at $194 at year-end 2004 reaping the IPO investors a healthy gain (Travlos, 2012, para. 1). Post-IPO Google, Inc. means finding more sources for revenue for the company. Google ventured outside of the web search engine market by creating applications for mobile, media brosing, home & office, social media and the list goes on and on (â€Å"Products†, n.d.) and revenues are generated from online advertising or their own product: Ad words (â€Å"Adwords†, n.d., para. 1). With tremendous growth of the company, Google founders have embraced the i nformal corporate motto â€Å"Don’t be evil† and also developed an ethical code of conduct for both internal and external audiences (as cited in Martin, 2006, p. 5). China Background Martin reports that in 2006 China has a population of 1.6 billion people and is an attractive market for many U.S. companies (Martin, 2006, p. 6). Also, with China’s transformation to a market economy (Zimmerman, A., & Fey, R, 2001, p. 15-28), George Magliano, an economist at IHS Automotive, states that â€Å"This is the wave of the future† and that â€Å"The Chinese market is going to grow faster than the U.S., and it will continue to be this way† (Hirsch, 2011, p. 1). The rapid growth of Internet use in China is being accompanied by more sophisticated official efforts at censorship as stated in the report issued by the China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC), an organization under the official Chinese Academy of Science, (â€Å"China politics: Internet censorship grows more sophisticated†, 2003, para. 1). Google in China In 2000, part of Google, Inc. global strategy was to enter the Chinese market creating a Chinese-language version of the website, and because of the regulations in China, the server is housed in the US (Martin, 2006, p. 12). However because of complex Internet infrastructure of Chinese government, the site became inaccessible and slower performance than other sites (Martin, 2006, p. 13). This became an issue to the users and therefore losing market share (Martin, 2006, p. 13). Google reached a deal with the Chinese government to create, a site that is in compliance with Chinese regulations on censorship (Martin, 2006, p. 13). Strengths is a trusted name worldwide as a search engine site and that there was no need to advertise since Google users typically share the information with anyone, hence most individuals common answer to a question is to â€Å"Just Google it† (Clark, Greniuk, Riherd, Rome and Yu, 2010, para. 2). With its global reach and growing traffic, online advertisers would allot budget for spend with as part of online marketing strategy to reach online consumers, potentially reaching 1 billion Global unique visitors (â€Å"Google Reaches 1 Billion Global Visitors†, 2011, para.1). Weaknesses Google entered China with their mission, stated on their website â€Å"organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful† (â€Å"About†, n.d., para.1) which is in contradiction to Chinese government’s ideology on Internet censorship is â€Å"If you open the window for fresh air, you have to expect some flies to blow in† (â€Å"Internet censorship in the People’s Republic of China†, n.d., para. 3). Google executives clearly did not follow this ideology when the company first entered China. As a result, Chinese government has added a strain on the company’s efforts to gain market share. Threats The â€Å"Great Firewall of China† limits the searching capabilities of terms on the internet in China, even keywords such as Freedom are off limits to users (â€Å"Internet Censorship in China†, 2012, para. 3) this hinders Google to operate and provide their services to Chinese consumers. Then this led to loosing market share to (â€Å"Baidu vs. Google†, 2010, para. 5). Alternative Strategies Google possess the technology and resources to create products (â€Å"Our products and services, n.d., para.1) that would meet Chinese government regulations as Larry Page, co-founder and CEO, would describe, the â€Å"perfect search engine† as something that â€Å"understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want† (â€Å"Products†, n.d., para.1). This should have been the initial business strategy to avoid criticisms and struggle to meet demands of Chinese government and the internet users in China. Oppose to negotiating with Chinese government, because this can be damaging to company’s image to China and the Chinese citizens. Google decision to create is a clear contradiction to the company motto however when the Utilitarianism philosophical approach is applied as part of the strategy â€Å"promote the happiness of others, even at the expense of our own projects, our integrity, or the welfare of our friends and family† (Hills, 2010, p. 225), the results may offset the implications to company’s reputation and plans to gain market share in a country where business practices are very different from theirs. Since corporate ethics will be questioned, perhaps a partnership with small technology companies in China and other local program opportunities that would steer the message of the company’s decision to bow to Chinese government regulations. In addition, hiring Chinese executives and employees would be an ideal start as the company enters a market like China. These individuals have lived, and survived the political and economic intricacies of Chinese market. They are the ones that have the working knowledge, and learning from other companies that passing the helm to strong local replacements is essential for sustained profitable growth (Hsieh, Lavoie, and Samek, 1999, para. 1). Recommendations China is known as the Kingdom of Bamboo because it has the most bamboo of any country in the world (â€Å"Bamboo and Chinese Culture†, n.d. para. 1). In addition, Bamboo’s resistance to stretching and its ability to support weight are at least double those of other kinds of wood, making bamboo an ideal material for houses, scaffolding, supporting pillars, and work sheds (â€Å"Bamboo and Chinese Culture†, n.d. para. 8). That being said, doing business in China would be similar to working with bamboo, it is resilient to change and therefore adapting to the market is the recommended strategy. Even if it means changing the Company’s product and ideologies so that the company may prosper in the long term partnership with the local government and gain market share. business model would be the initial offering because it adheres to government regulations and there won’t be any struggle in reaching the local market. And even with the criticisms that will arise from this decision, the financial gain and respect from the local market is what every company would want to achieve in this market, therefore it would be not just Google that will benefit from this, but also the citizens of China. Who knows in the future, when censorship is no longer in existence, Google can finally launch their products that are in compliance with company’s motto and provide the oppressed Chinese market of this freedom to view information without censor. In the end, the majority may benefit from this.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The fourth amendment and the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine

The situation that involved Don and Police Officer Jones in State X is a good case study in understanding the concepts involved in the Fourth Amendment, particularly the doctrine of suppression of evidence. In the analysis of the case, one will see that the only crime that Don has committed is driving with an expired license. And for this case, State X has every right to punish him accordingly – with a fine of $100 and 10 days in the county jail. However, it is also important that the fact that the constitution of State X has a clause identical to Amendment IV of the U.S. Constitution, the other evidence obtained by Police Officer Jones in his encounter with Don cannot be used as evidence against Don in any court by reason of the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine. This particular doctrine opines that any evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in any court since this is in direct violation of the suspect’s Fourth Amendment. Although Don did commit a violation of law in State X by driving with an expired license, this particular violation does not necessarily warrant a bodily search or even a search of the vehicle —even with the consent of the suspect. In the case of Florida vs. Bostick, we have learned that in the context of investigatory stops and detentions, Police may stop you for any reason, but are not entitled to any information other than your identification nor may they detain you without reasonable suspicion. (Flex Your Rights, 2006) In this particular case, the Police Officer did not have any justifiable or probable cause to frisk Don because the latter was not an immediate or significant threat to the officer nor was there any sign that Don carried any illegal weapon. Perhaps the only reasoning that can be applied by the Police Officer that might justify his stop and frisk action in this case is the tip or report given to him that a lone male driving in a car with an out-of-state license would be coming through town, traveling in an easterly direction, and carrying an illegal shipment of heroin. Just the same, the Police Officer went over and beyond his call and duty by frisking Don and subjecting him to a warrant less search on account of a traffic violation. Furthermore, if there was any evidence that can be used against Don in this particular case is anything that is visible to eye of the Police Officer. The marijuana that was seized inside the car cannot be used by the State in convicting Don simply because it was obtained thru an illegal search. While it is given that Don consented to the search, the court should rule that the burden is on the prosecution to prove the voluntariness of the consent and awareness of the right of choice. (Find Law, 2006) In this particular case, I am of the opinion that State X must rule in favor of Don and suppress all evidence obtained in the encounter between Don and Police Officer Jones since the search was done illegally and all evidence acquired as a result thereof should be considered inadmissible. Hence, the charges of illegal possession of marijuana and other dangerous drugs should be dropped. At best, Don should be convicted of driving with expired license –a direct violation of State X’s law– and should be netted the appropriate penalty. References: Find Law, 2006: US Constitution, Fourth Amendment [online] Available at: [cited on: June 11, 2006] Flex Your Rights, 2006: Fourth Amendment Supreme Court Cases [online] [cited on: June 11, 2006] Â  

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hybrid Embryo Research

Hybrid Embryo Research Free Online Research Papers Hybrid Embryo Research: Scientific Breakthrough or Are We Playing God? HUMAN-cow embryos have been created at Newcastle University in England, hailed by the scientific community, but labeled monstrous by opponents. A team has grown hybrid embryos after injecting human DNA into eggs taken from cows ovaries, which had most of their genetic material removed. The embryos survived for three days and are intended to provide a limitless supply of stem cells to develop therapies for diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and spinal cord injuries, overcoming a worldwide shortfall in human embryos. The resulting cytoplasmic embryos- known as admixed embryos- are more than 99% human, with a small animal component, making up around 0.1%. How it Works: The process involves injecting an empty cow or rabbit egg with human DNA from a skin cell. A burst of electricity is then used to trick the egg into dividing regularly, so that it becomes a very early embryo, from which stem cells can be extracted. Some of the human-animal embryos lived for three days, and the largest grew up to 32 cells. What are stem cells? Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell. It has been hypothesized by scientists that stem cells may, at some point in the future, become the basis for treating diseases such as Human stem cells could also be used to test new drugs. For example, new medications could be tested for safety on differentiated cells generated from human pluripotent cell lines. Other kinds of cell lines are already used in this way. Cancer cell lines, for example, are used to screen potential anti-tumour drugs. Treat diseases including Parkinsons and Alzheimers diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Hybrid Research What does the law say? According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act in 1990, ministers felt they needed updating as science had moved on significantly; they were initially cool on the idea of creating human-animal embryos. However, they were in pressure from the scientists, who argued a ban would hamper medical research. In addition, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee carried out an inquiry into the proposals and concluded that the creation of Hybrid embryos was necessary for the research and that there should not be a complete ban. Cross-party attempts to ban hybrid human animal embryos was defeated on a free vote, by 336 to 176, but are allowed to use them as research providing the cells are destroyed within 14 days. It also proposes that a hybrid embryos could not legally be implanted into a woman’s or an animal’s womb. What is the Situation in other countries? Many countries have banned this human-animal embryo research, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany and Italy. Advantages: The government says the scientific advantages of allowing the creation of hybrid embryos for research purposes could help millions of people to recover from illness or disease. Hundreds of British scientists and medical organizations support the process and say it is necessary because of a shortage of human eggs and embryos for research. Scientists hope working with those stem cells will lead to treatments for serious conditions like motor neuron disease, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers, and they say using hybrids overcomes the shortage of human embryos. The use of animal eggs will provide a valuable resource to embryo research scientists, argued Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo. Disadvantages People’s views Opponents say this is tamping with nature and is unethical. Critics say they are repulsed by the idea and there must be no creation of an animal-human hybrid. Cardinal Keith OBrien, a leading figure in the Catholic Church, had described the research as a monstrous attack on human rights, human dignity and human life. He said the bill would allow experiments of Frankenstein proportion. He also added, In these terms, in terms of embryology research, we will almost be like a rogue state. He added, In many ways we are like children playing with land mines, without any concept of the dangers of the technology. Concerns The scientist are still sceptical about the end results, this could only be a theory to these illnesses. There are many other ways go get stem cells other than this process. What still needs answering? Hybrid embryos will help scientists on stem cell research. These are some of the questions they are still trying to solve about stem cells: How many kinds of adult stem cells exist, and in which tissues do they exist? What are the sources of adult stem cells in the body? Are they leftover embryonic stem cells, or do they arise in some other way? Why do they remain in an undifferentiated state when all the cells around them have differentiated? Do adult stem cells normally exhibit plasticity, or do they only transdifferentiate when scientists manipulate them experimentally? What are the signals that regulate the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells that demonstrate plasticity? Is it possible to manipulate adult stem cells to enhance their proliferation so that sufficient tissue for transplants can be produced? Does a single type of stem cell exist- possibly in the bone marrow or circulating in the blood- that can generate the cells of any organ or tissue? Survey: From my data I can conclude there is a slight correlation between the Female (-16) and male (-16). Majority of young people were in favour of the hybrid research while the majority of the older people disagreed upon it. This may be to the lack of information given to the youth or young people are generally more keep on this new discovery. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Argot Definition and Examples

Argot Definition and Examples Argot is a specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a particular social class or group, especially one that functions outside the law. Also called cant and cryptolect. French novelist Victor Hugo observed that argot is subject to perpetual transformation- a secret and rapid work which ever goes on. It makes more progress in ten years than the regular language in ten centuries (Les Misà ©rables, 1862). ESL specialist Sara Fuchs notes that argot is both cryptic and playful in nature and it is . . . particularly rich in vocabulary referring to drugs, crime, sexuality, money, the police, and other authority figures (Verlan, lenvers, 2015). Etymology From the French, origin unknown Examples and Observations The Argot of the RacetrackThe argot of the racetrack is responsible for piker small town gambler, ringer illegally substituted horse, shoo-in fixed race, easy win, and others.(Connie C. Eble, Slang Sociability. UNC Press, 1996)The Argot of PrisonersPrison argot, originally defined as the jargon of thieves, is a particular form of slang (Einat 2005)- in some circumstances, a complete language- capable of describing the world from the perspective of the prison. It has been argued that prisoners live, think, and function within the framework defined by the argot (Encinas 2001), whose vocabulary may supply alternative names for objects, psychological states of minds, personnel roles, situations and the activities of prison life. Experienced inmates use argot fluently and can switch between regular names and their argot counterparts, and the degree of familiarity with argot is an important symbol of group membership among prison inmates (Einat 2005).(Ben Crewe and Tomer Einat, Argot (Pri son).Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment, ed. by Yvonne Jewkes and Jamie Bennett. Willan, 2008) The Argot of Pool PlayersThe poolroom hustler makes his living by betting against his opponents in different types of pool or billiard games, and as part of the playing and betting process he engages in various deceitful practices. The terms hustler for such a practice and hustling for his occupation have been in poolroom argot for decades, antedating their application to prostitutes.Like all other American deviant argots I know of, [hustlers argot] also reveals numerous facets that testify against a secrecy interpretation. Some examples: (1) Hustlers always use their argot among themselves when no outsiders are present, where it could not possibly have a secretive purpose. (2) The argot itself is not protected but is an open secret, i.e., its meanings are quite easily learned by any outsider who wishes to learn them and is an alert listener or questioner. (3) The argot is elaborated far beyond any conceivable need to develop a set of terms for deviant phenomena, and even far beyond any need to develop a full-scale technical vocabulary . . ..(Ned Polsky, Hustlers, Beats, and Others. Aldine, 2006) The Argot of Card PlayersA cardsharp who is out to cheat you may be dealing from the bottom of the deck and giving you a fast shuffle, in which case you may get lost in the shuffle. You might call such a low-down skunk a four-flusher. Flush, a hand of five cards all of one suit, flows from the Latin fluxus because all the cards flow together. Four-flusher characterizes a poker player who pretends to such good fortune but in fact holds a worthless hand of four same-suit cards and one that doesnt match.All of these terms originated with poker and other betting card games and have undergone a process that linguists call broadening. A good example of movement from one specific argot to another is wild card berth or wild card player as used in football and tennis. In these sports, a team hopes for back-to-back victories- from a fortuitous ace-down-ace-up as the first two cards in a game of five-card stud.(Richard Lederer, A Man of My Words. Macmillan, 2003)The Lighter Side of ArgotA strea k of humour runs through the traditional argot. Prisons were often described as schools, as in the contemporary College of Correction, and the hulks used to accommodate prisoners were the floating academies. Brothels were convents or nunneries, the prostitutes who worked in them were nuns, and the madam was an abbess.(Barry J. Blake, Secret Language. Oxford University Press, 2010) Pronunciation: ARE-go or ARE-get

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Economy situation in Poland before and after EU funding Dissertation

Economy situation in Poland before and after EU funding - Dissertation Example It is from these debates that Poland has reinvented itself, thus attaining the title of a modern European state that possesses a liberal political system that is democratic and sustainable market Economy (Cox and Myant 1). According to Bache, Poland has a record of the largest entrant to the European Union in the year 2004. In 1989 after the era of communist had ended, Poland undertook a territorial restructuring period. The membership position held by Poland in the European Union has helped the Poles to restructure as well as uphold their economy (Bache 73). One of the greatest success story attributed to the post-communist transformation in Poland is the high rate at which the small as well as the private companies are emerging over the last 20 years. 69% of employment as well as 60% of turnover are among the benefits of the small and medium sized enterprise to the Polish economy. The entry and the exit levels of enterprises, whose large percentage is the small ones, are higher in Poland than the average EU (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 11). Literature Review Poland’s economy before the EU funding Europa publications Limited indicate that before its incorporation into the European Union, Poland had at the time had a population of about 40 million people. In addition to this, Poland was relatively poor especially in terms of aggregate, as their income per head was a third of the EU’s average. Poland provided incentives to non European members e.g. the special tax concession provided to Korean car manufacturers (Europa publications Limited 3). The Polish government had established an agency prior to joining the EU in the year 2000. The aim of this agency, which was known as the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), was to offer active support to entrepreneurs in Poland thus improving the country’s economy. The main function of the PARP was to manage the funds of entrepreneurship that were granted by the state. This agency upon incorporation to the European Union also mandated was with the task of managing funds granted by the EU for entrepreneurship (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 131). In the year 1997, Poland had already experienced continuous economic growth that lasted for five years. This was attributed to the reduction of industrial output during the transition period. Crucial steps had been undertaken to ensure that inflationary pressures experienced in 1990s were eliminated. In addition to this efforts had been made in redirecting Poland’s exports away from old communist bloc and towards the EU markets (Europa publications Limited 62). In the late 1970s, Poland had suffered an economic crisis. Its external finances indicated vast deficits of payment as its domestic economy fell in disarray. Poland had to find a way of arresting the situation before it could get out of hand as the interests were accumulating. The Authorities then decided on the modernization and investment strategy as the way forward (Marer et al 3). Dramatic changes in Poland have always caught the attention of the world. In 1989 the government in power transformed the existing centrally planned economy into a free market. In 1990 the price controls in majority of the products were scraped off. These were some of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Governance of Globalisation; Is it time for an alternative Essay

The Governance of Globalisation; Is it time for an alternative approach - Essay Example The dominant system for world governance in the first wave of globalisation was the colonial domination of the world by European powers. In the second wave of globalisation, various international agencies were established to loosely oversee the liberalised world economic order. The important international agencies which were established to oversee the global system were the International Monetary Fund or the IMF and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT. The GATT was later transformed into the World Trade Organisation or the WTO, which is made up of 28 intergovernmental agreements by which member states agree to limit their sovereign right to intervene in international trade. It was hoped that with such agencies, it will be possible to facilitate international trade and manage the international economic system. The WTO today has 144 member states and an additional 30 which are awaiting accession. The benefits that have been provided by the WTO agreements include the libe ralisation of international trade, the rule of law, a procedure for the settlement of disputes, cutting of tariffs by the industrialised world and the elimination of the most favoured nation status amongst others. These measures have considerably enhanced the volume of international trade with nearly 25% of the global output being traded. Despite the criticism levied against it, the WTO has been successful in the past 50 years to provide a mechanism to avoid protectionism and trade retaliation, with its Council having authorised retaliation through tariff increases in very few cases. Government trade policies are more stable and predictable and the international trade which is vital for global stability keeps flowing (Von Braunmohel, 2005, Chapters 1 – 2), (Strange, 2003, Complete), (Kimon, 2000, Complete), (Institute for International Economics,